V.Ganapathy, Consultant,Chennai,India

latest article of mine in plantservices.com magazine discusses characteristics of boilers and HRSGs and how to combine their
operations for efficient generation of steam
Article by V.Ganapathy on Large package Boilers in Power Feb 2011 issue
A recent article on HRSG published in Hydrocarbon processing
A few of my Published articles on boilers/hrsgs
Programs for Boiler Plant Engineers
HRSG simulation power point presentation
Short articles on Boilers/HRSGs
Special Courses on Boilers/HRSGs
Consulting Services offered
HRSG simulation and a Free demo
V.Ganapathy is a consultant on Boilers/HRSGs from Chennai. He has over 35
years of experience in the engineering of steam generators and waste heat boilers with emphasis on thermal design, performance
and heat transfer aspects. He also develops custom software on Boiler Design and Performance and conducts special courses
on Boilers/HRSGs. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from I.I.T.Madras and a Msc(engg) degree from
Ganapathy has published over 250 articles on boilers and also has authored 5
books on Boilers,the latest being, ”Industrial Boilers and HRSGs”. He has contributed several chapters to
the “Handbook of Engineering Calculations”(McGraw Hill) and Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing and Design.