Waste Heat Boilers
- Different types of waste heat boilers.System information.Gas data and importance. Fire tube and Water tube boilers and their features. Gas turbine HRSGs. Unfired and Fired HRSGs. Cheng cylce and its features. Waste Heat Boilers in hydrogen plants. Incineration systems. Sulfur plants. Sulfuric acid plants. Natural circulation,Forced circulation and Once through boilers. Developing Specifications.
HRSG Simulation
Heat Recovery boiler simulation. Understanding HRSG performance. Pinch and Approach points and how they should be selected. Steaming in economizers. Multiple pressure HRSGs. Evaluating Design and Off-design performance of HRSGs. Optimizing temperature profiles. Secondary heat recovery surfaces-condensate heaters,deaerator coils,heat exchangers. Why supplementary firing is efficient. Demonstration of software HRSGS for HRSGs design and other applications such as performance testing. How variation of gas turbine characteristics with load and ambient temperatures affect HRSG performance. Generating steam efficiently in cogeneration plants.
Steam generators
Different types of boilers. Significance of steam parameters. Packaged fire tube boilers. Steam-flood units. Advantages of custom designed boilers over standard designs. Impact of emissions on boiler design. Radiant versus Convective superheaters. Boiler performance characteristics. Air heaters,Economizers. Significance of Surface areas. Boiler specifications. Importance of Water Chemistry. Steam Purity and Boiler Water treatment.
Combustion Calculations
Combustion calculations based on gas analysis. Simplified Million Btu method. Effect of fuels. Boiler Efficiency calculations. Variation of efficiency with load.
Furnaces and Circulation
Design and performance of boiler furnaces. Importance of heat flux. DNB concerns. Circulation calculations for fire tube and water tube boilers. Examples.
Superheater Design
Convective and Radiant superheaters. Steam temperature control methods. Tube wall temperature calculations. Flow distribution in parallel paths. Material selection. Design example.
Heat Transfer Calculations
Heat transfer inside and outside tubes. Inline versus Staggered arrangements. Design of Fire tube and Water tube boilers. Off-design performance calculations. Effect of fouling and scale on boiler performance and tube wall temperatures. Finned surfaces. Effect of fin configuration on heat transfer and Boiler performance. How surface areas can be misleading. Comparison of Bare tube versus Finned tube evaporators. Simplified approach to performance evaluation of boilers. Life cycle costing applied to waste heat boiler design. Tube thickness calculations. Insulation performance. Tube bundle vibration analysis. Demonstration of software "Programs for Steam Plant Engineers".
High and Low temperature corrosion.Methods of minimizing corrosion through design and selection of steam parameters. Calculation of acid dew points of various vapors. Stack wall temperatures. Condensing exchangers.